At ONS Financials, we believe in the value of educating our clients with the entire process of tax planning, preparation and filing. This is one big element that differentiates ONS from other accounting firms. We are passionate about coaching our clients in developing their businesses effectively to their next level of success. To most of our new clients, it is defining what their next level of success is. We believe in a partnership approach with our clients. Long term relationships are pivotal to our ability to understand the objectives and apprehensions of our clients.

For our clients, our mission is to:

Our Relationship are based on:

a. Educate on all levels of money management: Accounting, Credit, Investments and Risk Management.

b. Coach regarding various tax accounts: Corporation, HST, Payroll, WSIB, etc.

c. Reduce tax payments/instalments by tax planning and increase the rate of return of investments.

d. Be compliant with CRA (Timely tax filing, paying instalments and adhere to the Income Tax Act) and Accounting principles .

e. Help clients take charge of their financial situation.

f. Help achieve their (client) goals with simple and effective tax solutions.

  • Transparency
  • Trust
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Commitment to service in the client's best interest
  • Responsive to client needs

Our Process:

Each of our clients has one key contact Accountant who deals with all aspects of their work, with the support of various other members of our team. The relationship that grows between Accountant and client is comprehensive and responsive to the circumstances of each business situation. This method, coupled with our technical expertise and experience, enables us to coach our clients effectively and proactively - to the next level.

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